Men have been asking if she really loves me since the dawn of civilization.
Sometimes girls aren't going to just tell you that they are in love, so you may need to do a little digging to get to the truth.
If she seems really happy when you are together, and she isn't as happy when you are apart, this is a great sign!
Girls always stick together, and they tell each other all of their secrets.
If she is really in love with you, you can bet that she is telling her friends.
Go and find out what her friends are saying about you.
When girls have a crush on a guy they will usually blush when you make some unexpected eye contact.
Maybe she's just helping you because she sees you as a friend, but maybe not.
It's natural for a girl to help a boy that she's in love with.
Maybe she helps you with your homework, gives you some of your lunch, or goes out of her way to give you a ride home?
If you answered "yes" to all of them, or most of them, I'm confident that she really loves you!